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Call for applications

IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes

Master Scholarships

for the 2023-2024 academic year


Presentation of the call:

The « Initiative d’excellence » (IDEX in short) Université Grenoble Alpes is opening the 2023 Master Scholarship program. Applications to this program are open to international students (i.e. students currently enrolled in a University outside France or who have obtained their last degree in a foreign university or who have obtained their "baccalaureat" in a foreign university) who apply for one of the Masters or Engineer Schools offered by the following academic divisions of Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) :

- Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG),

- Faculté des sciences (Faculty of Science),

- Faculté humanités, santé, sport, sociétés (Faculty of Humanities, Health, Sport and Societies)

- Grenoble INP,

- Sciences Po Grenoble,

- Institut d'Urbanisme et de Géographie Alpine (Alpine Geography and Urban Planning Institute)

- Faculté de droit de Grenoble (Grenoble Law School)

- Faculté d'économie de Grenoble (Grenoble Economics Department)

Applicants can either apply to the first year or to the second year of a Master or Engineer Schools.

The amount of the scholarship is 8 000 euros for one academic year (2 semesters). If one of the two semesters is dedicated to an internship, the amount of the scholarship is reduced to 5000 euros.

The scholarship is only given for one year and laureats will have to applyagain for the second year of the master program (academic year 2024 - 2025).

Candidates will be selected on the basis of theri academic record.

The Master scholarship doesn't exempt students for paying tuition fees, this depend of the Master's program.


Application process:

The application process is as follows:

● The student must first apply to one of the Masters offered by the above-menti one d academic institutions. The application must be for the 2023-2024 academic year. Note that each Master has its own deadline for application.

The University will select the students for the IDEX scholarship

The results for the Master Scholarships will be sent shortly after the admission results for the Master to which the student applied.


Application period: from April 2023 to July 2023 (depending on the Master).

Funding process : in October 2023, once the head of the master has confirmed the student’s presence and attendance, half of the scholarship is paid.In February 2024, once the head of the master has confirmed the students attendance during the 1rst semester and the participation to the exams, the other half of the scholarship is paid

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Ces données sont collectées dans le but de faciliter l’analyse de votre candidature. Elles sont conservées pour une durée de 2 ans puis détruites.
Les destinataires de ces données sont le chef d’établissement et les personnels habilités de l'établissement, de la composante et de la Commission d'Admission.
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